The Complete
Weight Loss
in a Box
Self-Help Program
“One size fits all.”
With this new “Weight Loss in a Box” program you’ll receive eight unique weight-loss guided meditation sessions in audio mp3 format.
Use them all or target just the areas you need help in such as:
1. Eating Healthy: The problem is that a lot of what we call junk food is actually quite tasty. It’s easy to find at the supermarket and is very simple to prepare. Changing to a healthy food regimen requires quite some effort on the part of the health seeker. This session is designed to change your mindset and steer you in the right direction so your dreams of a healthier lifestyle can become reality…
2. Eating Slower: The speed at which you eat food can have a great impact upon the size of your waist. When eating it takes approximately twenty minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full. By changing your eating habit from fast to slow you’ll not only enjoy your meals more, but you’ll consume less calories with each meal resulting in the weight loss you desire.
3. Impulsive Eating: In most homes today food is very easily obtainable. So easy to walk past the refrigerator, open the door, grab some leftovers. Job done! The problem is dinner was really only 40 minutes away and that food that was so readily grabbed contains the 400 calories that you didn’t need. You acted impulsively. This session will put a stop to impulsive eating and put you back in control of your eating habits.
4. Healthy Eating while in Public: Eating healthy in public, especially when ordering from fast food outlets can be a real and daunting problem when you’re trying so hard to change your body image. The pressure is usually there to make hasty and sometimes very unhealthy choices just to get it over and done with.This session will change all of that and put you back in command of the situation where you should be.
5. Boredom Eating: Food can become a great pacifier and activity when you become bored. So easy to reach for a yummy leftover in the fridge or that chocolate bar grabbed in a hurry at the checkout. Unfortunately, it’s most often the meals you end up having between your meals that can be causing a great deal of your body weight issues. By the end of a day those snacks (even if healthy in nature) can add up to another complete meal – a complete meal of snack foods! Time to change to a snack-free lifestyle and reap the rewards.
6. Being More Active: Becoming more active in your day to day life is of paramount importance if you’re to properly care for your body. It was designed to move and to be active. Nothing destroys health more than inactivity. Fortunately, opportunities to be more active abound; they are all around you. This session is designed to open your mind to the everyday activities that you may be currently ignoring, but may lead you to a more active and healthy lifestyle.
7. Portion Control / Cravings: Many of us went through childhood with mothers who told us that we had to eat all of our dinner and to leave an empty plate. “Think of all those starving people in other countries”. Mom meant well, but the truth is that you don’t have to eat everything that’s served to you or that you cook for yourself. You should only eat until satisfied and no more. This session will give you a new attitude towards portion control by delivering proven suggestions to bring your hunger back under control, enabling weight loss to occur, but still leave you feeling satisfied with what you’re eating
8. Keeping the Weight Off – Weight Loss: This session rounds off the previous seven scripts by running through all of the weight loss tools you’re now in possession of. It connects all the dots leading to the best of all outcomes – keeping the weight off permanently.
How Long Should you use the Program?
You should use it until you’ve attained the goal weight you desire. The average or “consistent” weight loss experienced for those following this program has been a “minimum” of 1% of their body weight per week.
A 300 pound person would average a minimum of 3 pounds of weight-loss weekly.
A 200 pound person would average a minimum of 2 pounds of weight-loss weekly.
“Slow and steady is the way to get it off and “keep” it off.”
How Do the Sessions Work?
You should find a quiet, out of the way location to listen to these mp3s where you wont be bothered or interrupted. Each session runs between 10 – 15 minutes. Simply close your eyes, let yourself go and listen to Raluca’s voice as she guides you through the steps of attaining the body image you desire.
About the Author:
These mp3s are narrated by Raluca Bastarache, CI, president of the American School of Hypnosis. Raluca’s methods are designed slightly different that the usual guided sessions that you may be used to as they’re shorter, more in depth and to the point. Simply listen to them each day until you attain your desired weight. You can alter from one topic to another from week to week to be able to address areas where you may need additional help.
Even once you attain your goal weight the mp3s are still a valuable tool to use for weight maintenance or simply to take advantage of the wonderful feelings of deep relaxation and confidence that come as a welcome side-effect of each session.
Raluca has been teaching and conducting guided meditation and hypnosis sessions for over 10 years. These are techniques derived form the best of Raluca’s sessions in that time and compiled to be able to address as many areas of weight loss that you may run into.
In addition to being a board certified hypnotherapist and instructor she is also the author of many self-help related books and programs.
Will I be able to use these on my IPod?
Here’s a 3 minute sample so you can find out for yourself:
Below is how your sessions will appear after you purchase them. Although they are designed to be played from your computer they’re also easily downloadable for use on your other internet capable devices. All eight sessions plus an additional Bonus Session (mentioned below) are in one place for your convenience.
Imagine the Goal You. A Mini Session mp3: This session can be used as an additional session each day or even as a substitute on the day that you don’t have time to listen to a longer one. Even though it’s a short session it’s equally as powerful and effective as any of the others as it is based on your imagination rather than relaxation.
Ready to Get Started?
(All for less than the cost of ONE live session in an office!)
Only $140

(This program will be immediately delivered to your email box upon purchase. If you do not receive it please contact us so we can resend it if needed)
Disclaimer: Raluca is not a mental health or medical practitioner. She is a hypnotherapist, coach and instructor of hypnosis, self-help and the mind. It’s important before starting this or any weight loss program to check wit your doctor to ensure it’s safe and allowed for you. Raluca will not be held liable for any loss or liability caused by utilization of any of the information presented in these sessions.